Get guidance on the legal and financial matters associated with care

Caring for someone can feel overwhelming
The last thing you need is to get your head around a pile of paperwork and legalese as well. We can provide guidance to help you manage:
- Benefits
- Funding
- Wills
- Power of attorney
- Protection of assets
Funding care for yourself
or a loved one
Following assessment, you may be eligible for direct payments to spend on the care services of your choice, so for example rather than receiving help from the council, you could arrange for a direct payment to us at Libra Care Services to implement a bespoke care plan for yourself or a loved one.
Needs Assessment
Your local council may also be able to help with equipment such as a walking frame or making your home safer if you have mobility issues. During the assessment, a social worker or occupational therapist will ask about your everyday life. Your initial assessment will be face-to-face or over the phone and usually lasts an hour.
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Those aged 65+ who have a health condition or disability that has impacted their daily life, mobility, or both for 3 months, and who expect these difficulties to continue for at least 9 months can claim PIP.
Attendance Allowance
This is for people who are over the age of state pension (currently 65) and have physical or mental disabilities. There are 2 rates depending on the level of care required, and if you or your loved one receive other benefits the amount you’ll receive can increase if you’re eligible for Attendance Allowance.
Become an appointee
You can apply for the right to deal with the benefits of someone who cannot manage their own affairs because they’re mentally incapable or severely disabled.
Benefits calculator
If you have a disability that impacts your independence or are aged 65 of over, you may be entitled to claim benefits. You can use this calculator to work out if you or your loved one are eligible to claim.